Tips and Tricks for Qualitative Data Management (Part 2 in 4 part series)
By Eileen Dryden, PhD & Julie Carpineto, MFA
People who are new to using qualitative methods may quickly get overwhelmed by the amount of data these methods can generate. Here are some tips and tricks to help you manage your qualitative data:
Tip: Record data in a form that makes it amenable to analysis.
- Trick: For focus groups, create a diagram of the table around which participants are sitting, with identifying initials or a number for each person. Add that identifier next to each person’s comments when taking notes.
- Trick: Record participants’ responses near the questions to which they refer, not necessarily when they occurred during the interview/focus group.
- Trick: Use templates for recording data when possible.
- MS Excel template for focus group responses
Barriers to Physical Activity
& money
No bike
- Data abstraction template (e.g. a table of information you want to make sure you collect) for transcript review
Unique ID
Family Situation
Issues Addressed with Case
-Single mother with 1 son
-Recently divorced
-Son’s father not living in the
-Trouble finding childcare
-Cannot find full-time job
- Observation templates
Time of Day
# of Adults Present
# of Children Present
10-11 AM
City Park A
Rollerblading, Biking
- Interview/focus group guide itself as a template (record notes in spaces following each question)
- Use an online tool like SurveyMonkey to distribute diary log ‘templates’ to respondents if looking for similar information over time from same people (minimizes unnecessary re-entry of data)
Tip: Always audio-tape if possible. Useful for:
– Verbatim
– Writing
detailed summary notes
– Verifying
you captured important points
– More
rigorous analysis at later date
Tip: If you are unable to audio-tape an interview for any
reason (e.g. the participant is not comfortable being taped), although not
typically done, it is helpful to have two research team members attend the interview:
one responsible for facilitation and the other for note-taking. (Note: for focus groups, it is common and recommended practice to always have two team members present.)
Tip: Align the level of audio recording transcription
with the overall purpose of the evaluation – it is not always necessary to
transcribe interview or focus group content verbatim, and notes can often suffice.
You can go back to the audio recording for clarification or specific quotes as
– Verbatim transcription = Expensive!
– With a professional service:
1 hour tape = ~4 hours transcription = ~$150-$200 (or more!)
– Verbatim transcription = Expensive!
– With a professional service:
1 hour tape = ~4 hours transcription = ~$150-$200 (or more!)
Tip: For large
amounts of data (either length of transcripts or number of transcripts), it is helpful
to use qualitative data management software. Examples:
– QSR NVivo
– Atlas TI
– EthnoNotes
– Ethnograph
– HyperResearch
– Dedoose
– QSR NVivo
– Atlas TI
– EthnoNotes
– Ethnograph
– HyperResearch
– Dedoose
Tip: Small amounts of data may be easier to
manage/code/analyze by hand.
These are just a few ideas to help you organize and manage
your qualitative data from the moment you collect it. While this may make you feel a little more
confident with qualitative data collection, even well organized data can feel overwhelming
just by the sheer quantity of it! The
next post in this series will hopefully help you tackle the next step: qualitative
data analysis.
For more information about the Institute for Community
Health, please visit our website Examples of our work and collaborations involving qualitative research are
described here.
Note: different projects require different methodological approaches. This is not an exhaustive list of data management techniques. You may find other techniques fit your project’s aims more effectively and appropriately.
The views expressed on the Institute for Community Health blog page are solely those of the blog post author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of ICH, the author’s employer or other organizations with which the author is associated.
To make the raw data easy and unproblematic to maneuver and construe, so that one can make improved and good judgment of the information, it is utterly imperative to systemize the entire compilation of data. See more qualitative research analysis